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Uniting the Voice of the European Golf Industry

National Associations Golf

What is VISION 2020

VISION 2020 is an in-depth research project undertaken by the GCAE and its members to create an overview of the current situation in the European golf industry and develop an outlook for the development of golf till 2020.

What is the Goal?

The goal of the creation of the VISION is to give national golf course owners associations and their members a tool to build their strategy upon for the coming years to find and bind more players into the game of golf. A subsidiary goal is to create a road map for the GCAE (and its members) as to where the organisation(s) are to stand in 2020 and what measures are necessary to enable the achievement of such targets.


The golf business is changing rapidly both on the supply and demand side. Demand for the classic membership model is slowing down. Golf has a hard time binding new players in the game.

Questions to be answered:

1.How can the European golf industry create a sustainable future?
2.What is the new and existing golfer looking for in golf so they will stay actively involved in the game?

Who is involved?

The VISION will be created in a workgroup format with all the members of the GCAE. Each national association play a key role in the development of the project. The poroject will also engage all stakeholders in the golf industry from National Federations to product and service suppliers.

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VISION 2020 logo design by Paul Skellet – Wonderland Creative consultancyGCAE branding partners

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