The GCAE is committee to:
Working in partnership with environmental organisations and government agencies
The GCAE recognises that open dialogue with external partners is key to better knowledge and understanding of society’s wider environmental needs; will enable better identification of the latest environmental thinking and technical solutions; and will ensure that any environmental initiatives are recognised clearly and transparently.
Furthering our understanding of the environmental issues to be addressed
Environmental stewardship of golf courses requires owners to be equipped with the latest advice and technology. Education has a key role to play. The GCAE will communicate latest environmental challenges and solutions to owners, and will increase understanding and knowledge of environmental issues.
Demonstrating the positive role owners can play as advocate's for environmental sustainability
The GCAE is determined to demonstrate that owners are modern, well trained professionals who recognise the important of environmental stewardship, and are able to enact it in golf facilities across Europe.
Sustainable maintenance and development of golf courses
The GCAE recognises the important role of golf course owners in ensuring the sustainability of golf course maintenance and development in the future. The GCAE recognises the many environmental, social and economic benefits to be gained from conserving water, protecting and enhancing biodiversity and landscapes, avoiding pollution and waste, and minimising consumption of non renewable resources. The GCAE will actively encourage and assist the members in producing the most sustainable management and development plans for their courses.
Contribute to the implementation of the GEO agenda
The GCAE believes the collective partnership approach to environmental sustainability in golf, as established by the EFSG, is the right way forward. It allows all golfing interests to come together in a single industry forum, and to work alongside key governmental and environmental organisations in the development and implementation of a credible strategy for the golf sector. The GCAE aims to raise awareness amongst members and affiliates of environmental issues and their role in furthering environmental stewardship in golf. Furthermore, we encourage and facilitate the delivery of practical environmental stewardship on golf courses across Europe. Finally, the GCAE aims to play an active part in communicating environmental issues to golfers, and promoting the golf sector’s stewardship of the environment. Our Objectives are the preparation and public adoption of environmental policy statements by all National Owners Associations, the uptake and application of an environmental management system by owners of existing facilities, the uptake of an environmental certification program for new golf course developments, underpinning all European and National training and education with recognized environmental best practice and to play an active part in the development of national golf environment partnerships across Europe.
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